Monday, April 26, 2010

Why people hate Thatcher

.. because she made them face reality.
PS. Lovely quote from ex-Fabian Stephen Pollard:"When you give power to those previously subservient to bureaucracy and ideology, everything blossoms"


Neil @ DNALogic said...

Well she did like cutting things (unions, pictures) down to size...

Neil @ DNALogic said...

"Arthur Scargill, I'll make the N.U.M. 400 pixels wide...." That kind of thing....

kinglear said...

er - too tricky for old git like me

Whispering Walls said...

Because she was the milk snatcher

kinglear said...

Mr fact - did you sort the size?.. 'Cos I didn't

Neil @ DNALogic said...

Don't know about the size, but someone does appear to have renamed the file witch.jpg

Neil @ DNALogic said...

P.S. I would have been at Junior and Middle School after the notorious Thatcher milk thefts, but I distinctly remember being in charge of handing out third pint bottles of lukewarm milk. Maybe the entire school was poverty stricken enough to still be eligible, or the parents' association raised money for a dairy farmer parent to provide at just below cost. Incredible the idea that a local community could look after those sorts of things itself... It must be a trick of my memory.