Friday, November 10, 2006


Whoever " anonymous migsuk" is on Guido is as daft as Kaletsky.
The judgements supposedly made under John Major have nothing to do with the present pensions problem.
This is down to two things only - GB stealing billions ( add it up - he's kept more than £100b) and the new pensions regime Nulabour put in place which required utterly insane assumptions to be used to calculate liabilities.
This forced the pension funds to flog off billions and billions of equities at the bottom of the slump and buy Government stock when interest rates were low. What has happened now, with this new, caring attitude? Er, as interest rates rise, bond and gilt prices decline. So the pension funds have had a double whammy - no rise from equities and a drop from gilts.So don't pretend it was anything to do with BT ( before Tone) - like everything thing else he and his idiots have touched they have ruined a perfectly good system.
I added this to a story Guido had about GB being on News 24 today. That man has stolen more money than any other in the history of the UK, and pissed it up against more useless walls than anyone can imagine.
By shear luck he came in after Major had done nothing for a few years which made the UK economy the strongest in Europe, and even Brown's meddling and mendacity has not been able to destroy it completely. Sainsbury jumping ship today is only the start - I predict a bloodbath before Christmas, as the pygmies and rats attempt to escape the ship as they begin to see where this appalling Government is headed - the rocks.

1 comment:

Praguetory said...

Simpletons seem very keen to offer unsubstantiated opinions defending Labour.It is endemic. I'm thinking of doing an article a month on the most poorly researched blogging entries.