Thursday, May 10, 2007


Courtesy of the Herald Diary, I love this.
The Tales of Para Handy are about the West Coast Puffers that used to ply their trade along Scotland's Coast, and the scrapes that Para Handy, Master of The Vital Spark, used to get into.
It was made into a TV series in the '60s with Roddy MacMillan, and remade in the '90s with Ricky Fulton.
It was largely filmed on the Island of Islay, and when extras were needed, a quick visit to the local pub filled the positions quickly.
One man,slightly the worse for wear and ignoring the fact that Para Handy is fictional, told the recruiter." Haw hey, you should pick me. I'm Para Handy's cousin" " Really?" said the somewhat bemused media person.
" Aye. I'm Para Lytic."
Boom boom!

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