Friday, October 03, 2008

Mrs. Lear's first day at University

Mrs. Lear has gone back to Uni to study eco-land management.
She is doing this at a place called Auchincruive, from whence many years ago I used to buy all manner of vegetables and salad stuffs for the Fruit Market.
So today was enrollment, and off she toddled down the road to register.
I won't bore you with too many details, apart from the contents of the goody bag handed out to all students.
A diary and some sweeties.
A stress ball and a list of do's and don'ts for students.
A Tunnocks Caramel Wafer - an icon of Scotland's culinary firmament.
And finally, two condoms.
Of a brand I'd never heard.
Makes one almost long for those days again....


Whispering Walls said...

Do people reuse condoms in recessions?

kinglear said...

ww - yuk! Reminds me of the Scottish regiment that decided to get its condom repaired rather than buy a new one for 50p more.

Aloysius said...

Tunnocks Caramel Wafers - that brings back memories. They used to be made on a production line staffed entirely by elderly workers who had the lowest sickness rate in the plant.