Sunday, October 05, 2008

Tim Fortescue

I missed the obituary of Trevor Fortescue - always known as Tim. His school masters had always referred to him as Weary Tim and the name stuck.
I knew him best when he was working for Nestle in Vevey, and was a frequenter of their chaotic household, overseen by his first wife Marjorie, whose culinary skills were somewhat challenged. Her Garbage Soup was definitely an acquired taste, and her younger son, when in our house and offered scrambled egg, demanded to know where the black bits were.
Tim was the essence of the patrician English Gentleman. Polite and thinking in leaps and dives, he was always good company. That he was given substantial obits in three national newspapers ( The Guardian and The Times as well) merely emphasises his position.
It speaks volumes that he was the MP for Liverpool Garston, a Labour/Conservative marginal, and which is now firmly Labour. An extremely able and astute man, we lost touch after he divorced and remarried.

1 comment:

Whispering Walls said...

A fine citizen of Winchester