Thursday, November 13, 2008

Depression? Have another glass...

I was in Manchester for the day yesterday, where quite definitely the extra glass of your favourite poison was the answer to our present woes.
I am deeply depressed by the present position. It's always darkest before dawn, but so far there doesn't appear to be any consensus amongst the banks about what would be good for them and for their customers - and by proxy the economy.
So far, they just want more and more of our money ( and make no mistake, it IS our money from both sides, higher charges and taxpayer funds) and are still pretending things are under control. Things are patently NOT under control - not least as it still appears the banks have no idea what their actual liabilities are.
Gavyn Davies is suggesting printing more money - as if it hadn't already happened - but all this will do is destroy our currency - as if it wasn't happening already.
On the other hand, the taxi I took to the station yesterday had no change and actually said " Nae worries pal, I'll get it again". I had proferred £10.
So I said I would give him the £10, and asked him to give me his number so I could ask for him again.
" Nah " he said " You keep the tenner here's my number." And he refused point blank to take the cash.
Several of our tenants are feeling the pinch, though most of them have taken avoiding action. One of the IT people has had two clients go bust on him ( property related so no surprise there) whilst anyone connected with cars is having a very tough time.Even the children's party/petting zoo man is struggling.
Two however are bucking the trend. One is a T-shirt printer ( they do bags and all sorts but call themselves such). People move downmarket in a recession.
The other is a purveyor of exotic substances.
Now that is not his business description on his lease and I am 100% sure there are none about his person or in our premises. He describes himself as an Import/Export agency and runs an immaculate office with an attractive receptionist and two other staff.Bills of lading are visible on desks. But deal in exotic substances he does.
Personally,I disapprove, but in a way its just another glass or another cigarette to help people get through.
He reports his business is up 30% since July.
My friend the Burns Afficionado tells me that he has a limit as to what he will pay for wine. In Spain, he refused to take his own bottles to be filled for 20p per litre as the wine is disgusting. But the supermarket stuff at just under Eur 1 is perfectly acceptable. He prefers another bottle to a mere glass....

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