Monday, November 17, 2008

Reg Varney - RIP

On the Buses used to be required watching. As Chris Dillow argues, perhaps it lead to people voting Tory to alleviate the worst of Union excesses before Mrs.T.
The most interesting thing about it was Olive, Reg's sister in the series, Anna Karen, who, despite looking like the back end of a bus, was actually a stripper in her younger days - and pretty succesful too, by all accounts.
Anna still pops up in Eastenders as Barbara Windsor's sister. She has appeared with her in other productions, including Carry On films and various pantomimes.
But for sure she will be remembered for her catch phrase - " Oh Arfur."
But Reg ( Arfur) was great, in a British, amateurish way.

1 comment:

Whispering Walls said...

Golly, that's a cheery smile from the past!