Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Start procreating...

Herbert Hoover was quite a wise old bird. One of his sayings was:
" Blessed are the young... for they shall inherit the National Debt".
At the present time, that has a somewhat terrifying ring to it...


Aloysius said...

Wise old bird? Maybe, but he was also an economic illiterate causing huge damage to the US and wider economies at the time.

kinglear said...

True - but he had the right idea about debt...

Whispering Walls said...

Somebody in today's FT is taliking about switching it into the National Equity

kinglear said...

For God's sake - that's like Brown's Investment which in his language basically means handing out cash to ne'er do wells to get drunk on. Of course, as we all know Bankers are very clever ( with other people's money) and they OUGHT to be able to do a debt for equity swop, like they keep forcing on sound businesses that have borrowed too much.....