Sunday, November 02, 2008

What a complete Brownie.

No, I'm not referring to Andrew Marr's interview with Brown on AM which was - as ever - utterly psychophantic.

I'm referring to the non-questioning or contradicting of Brown's statement that " The oil price has come down more than 50% over the last few weeks and I'm asking the oil compnaies to respond in kind and reduce petrol prices."
What a despicable misleader of the people who elected him. The petrol price is almost entirely governed by the various taxes which make up some 70 odd % of the price of a litre at any time - with a higher percentage as the price rises. In fact, the oil price itself probably only made up about 25% of the price you pay at its highest. That has now fallen back to the more traditional 15%.
So stop trying to claim credit for what economics has made happen.
And stop trying to pretend that you can spend your way out of a recession.
You can only SAVE your way out of one.


Aloysius said...

Whilst you are right about Brown and Marr, one of the few journos with whom Brown will do interviews, you are wrong about saving one's way out of recession. That way lies slump.

However, government spending automatically increases in recessions as they pay more on unemployment benefit for example. [the 'automatic stabilisers']

But I do agree, Governemnts should not go on a spree, as Brown's political genes are probably urging him so to do.

Keep blogging: I'm enjoying them.

Whispering Walls said...

Sycophant, shurely? (Or was there also a psychic element?) You are correct of course and sterling will go to hell.

kinglear said...

brian boru / how kind. The saving was an antidote but we do need to keep spending... somewhat.
WW fancy a spot of Romanian speculation> in Budapest on my way hence soemwhat peculiar typing....not to mention dislexia

Aloysius said...

Salies de Bearn? Not far from Biarritz. A small world.

I think you know my brother Edward, a dog walker in Maxwell Park..

Whispering Walls said...

You'll have to make a convincing case for me to invest in Romania

kinglear said...

ww - the wine's good and the Mayor of Mosna has a twinkle in his eye....

kinglear said...

& ww ps yes there is a psycho element

kinglear said...

ww - and ps yes I will. I want to come to talk to you....