Thursday, August 09, 2007

Maybe Mr.Jock has a point......

Being a good Scot I have been following Mr. Jock on
He refers to where I live as " England's northenmost county".
We Scots are nothing if not proud of being Scottish.
So it was with some sadness that I read the following in the Diarysection of The Herald, Glasgow's very own newspaper that used to be the Glasgow Herald.
It took the form of a picture of some cheese, which, when read, said the following:
"ISLE OF MULL CHEDDAR . From England. Neal's Yard"
However, there are now so many Engies living up here, and especially on the Islands and in the Highlands, that we are rather like an occupied country.
Alex Salmond is doing his best to disabuse Westminster of that thought. His latest attack is on the BBC and ITV, who only fund and make in Scotland 3% of programmes aired nationally. On a population basis, is should be somewhere around 10%, and within Scotland itself, why shouldn't it be over 50%? The BBC in particular, of course, is completely biased in its views.
McConnell got his marching orders because he ran Scotland as if all we were was an English county. Salmond is running it as if it were our own.
Westminster better watch out.

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