I've actually no idea, but I do know a couple of things I regard as relevant.
The first is slow to anger, but devastating when roused. This is slightly at odds with the Scots, Welsh and Irish, who tend to be both quick to anger, and also devastating when roused. One only has to think of the Irish on day one of the Somme, who were the only regiment to take their objective, but then had to fall back through lack of support on their flanks. The British as a whole are now surely angered by Bliar and his henchmen
The second is a belief in British superiority, despite any evidence to the contrary. It was only Mrs. Thatcher's period in office that gave us this belief once more. Notably, Bliar has managed to dent this again, by a pangloss of lies, and soundbites.
The third is a general suspicion of " foreigners". All societies are suspicious of incomers, even down to the idyllic small village. Let the new person EARN people's respect. The British have generally excerised caution until this present Government when the now discredited multiculturialsim was too eagerly embraced. Caution and restraint would have served us better, and a requirement of assimilation. Cobbet Rides Again argues forcefully for this today.
Finally, fairness. The Britsh, known for a stiff upper lip, standoffishness and so on have always been utterly determined on fairness - taking the part of the underdog comes naturally to a Briton. The best argument in any situation in Britain is to describe something as " unfair" to get everyone on your side immediately. Bliar has turned even this on its head. Whether it be education, where social mobility is no longer posssible because of his policies; the armed forces having to beg borrow and steal equipment ( tellingly, Bliar refused to go into the Combined Cadet Force at Fettes - one of the reasons people from that school are known as Fets Wets);the NHS which is now not renewing contracts of overseas Doctors, Nurses etc, under the fig leaf that there are enough new British trained interns coming forward ( I'm willing to bet this is a stealth cut as opposed to a stealth tax); to the tax system, which is trumpeted as green when it manifestly isn't ( more road tax, but even more expensive trains and buses); to the new council taxes, which will take into account if you live near the shops or schools, in a nice area; the list goes on.
Personally, I am utterly disgusted with what a bunch of Scottish miscreants have done, not only to Britain, but to the Union, and even to the Labour Party itself. The Sunday Telegraph had a very good article today describing just how duff a PM Bliar has been.The Labour Party used to stand for something ( whether you agreed with it or not). Now, I don't believe anyone could actually say what NuLabour is for - apart from self perpetuation.
And to cap it all, Andrew Marr, who is a Lorettonian and should know better, never even asked Bliar about the Cash for Peerages this morning. Marr has managed to lose all credibility as a political interviewer over the last few weeks, soft on Labour, spin on Tories, as opposed to impartial and correct.
Before everyone thinks I am jealous or fixated on Scottish Public Schools,and overproud of my own School ( Rugby), may I just remind you of Lord Peter Wimsey, when being interviewed in one of Dorothy Sayers books,was asked " School?". He replied " Yes", and was wearily asked " Which school?" " There is only one," he replied, " Eton". " Not at all," said the interviewer. " You might have been to Rugby, for instance". " Rugby? Good heavens, no. That isn't a school, it's a railway station."
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