Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chinese films & Glasgow Tories

I went, with my BAFTA hat, to see a Chinese film last night called something about "Golden" I know this is a bit vague, but that was roughly my feeling about the film. I have seen quite a few over the years, and apart from them all having unhappy endings ( I do like a nice happy ending) they are usually extremely good "fun" in a martial arts sort of way. This was no exception, but the body count was so great and the general air of betrayal so intense that I found it hard to concentrate on what was admittedly a pretty thin story. General advice: steer clear of Chinese films unless you want a good cry.
And what about the Glasgow Tories? Mrs. Lear helps out from time to time, and she reports they are in good heart. They have at least one extremely good candidate for the Scottish Parliamentary elections, and a further three who are quite good. I wouldn't be surprised if there are rather more Tories at Holyrood than most people are betting, especially as , at least in Glasgow, the concentration is on specific local issues.
I am off to Romania again for a couple of days. The temperature is much lower than it was in January by about 15 degrees celsius, so I am taking my woolly boots. The concensus around here is I am bonkers, as all they remember is the Romanian Orphans ( still a problem in major centres), although it is slowly improving.
I just love where I am doing some work, which is around Sigishoara, itself a World Heritage site. Within a twenty kilometre radius there are about another 40. It would be an ideal area for people needing peace and quiet, especially eg authors trying to write a book. However, I had lunch with a friend , Mr. Retired Civil Engineer, yesterday, and his view was that I was going for the legacy option. He was very dubious and mistrustful of this, as he said I was in danger of " getting " principles. He regarded that as most dangerous, and claimed he had never had any that required him NOT to compromise. He also told me he had had some sort of tax investigation and subsequently received a letter saying he did not need to submit a tax return any more.
Either his means are considerably less than I think or he needs new reading glasses.


Whispering Walls said...

Take a cross and some garlic

kinglear said...

Now now, WW,that's vampirist. As you well know from the Discworld, they are doing their best to reform. It does, however, leave them with a craving for eg coffee.